Friday, February 24, 2012

According to the world health organization ...

Usually occurs among women who have menopause, the incidence of osteoporosis is particularly high among Indian women

What is osteoporosis? "Osteo = bone and osteoporosis means porous nature. The weakening of the bones is a gradual process that happens as we get older. In many cases, bones weaken when you have low levels of calcium and other minerals in bones. As a result, the density of minerals in bones decreases and bones become weak and break with minimal effort. Man, the diagnosis of osteoporosis. Symptoms of Osteoporosis: Osteoporosis is a very common condition, especially in older women, and there is no definitive symptoms. Some common symptoms include:

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), osteoporosis is second only to cardiovascular disease as a global health problem. About 300 million people in India have osteoporosis, and he suggested that in the next decade by nearly 50% of Indian population is. Compared with the Western world, which reported peak incidence at age 70-80 in India, the peak incidence is seen between 50-60 years. Osteoporosis is also three times more common in males in India compared to their foreign counterparts. This leads to osteoporosis have almost as common in Indian men, as in Indian women. Causes and risk factors for osteoporosis: a genetic predisposition is one of the biggest causes of osteoporosis. Low levels of vitamin D and calcium in the diet and a sedentary lifestyle increases the chances of people from developing osteoporosis as well. In women, estrogen levels play a very important role in bone health. So, for 5-10 years of menopause, women usually begin to lose bone density. Some drugs such as steroids and cause osteoporosis. These include drugs such as prednisolone, dexamethasone and cortisone, which are considered necessary for the treatment of certain diseases such as asthma and autoimmune disorders such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Diagnosis of osteoporosis: a test used to check bone density and the presence of human osteoporosis lasix 6 mg are called bone densitometry. Since no obvious symptoms, most people suffer

, before they test. However, there are some early signs that can help you determine if you may be at risk of disease. International Fund for osteoporosis developed this minute risk test for people to see if they have trouble. Take the test for yourself. Treatment and prevention of osteoporosis: It is important to minimize the risk factors that can lead to osteoporosis. Regular physical activity, healthy, calcium, sunlight and avoiding smoking ways to keep bones strong. Regular bone density test should be done after a certain age. Women around the age of menopause can think of hormonal support. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is widely studied and considered as effective and safe. Biphophonates - a new group of drugs may also be taken and is very effective. There are many myths associated with osteoporosis. Clear your doubts.

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Photographer Jacques Stengel by SXC. Hu.

Androgen supplements

J. Anderson FH, Francis RM, Peaston RT, Wastell GP. Androgen supplements

to eugonadal men with osteoporosis: Effect of 6 months treatment on markers

formation and bone resorption. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research

1997; 12 (Type IV evidence - observational study

21 men aged 34-73 (average 58) with osteoporosis fractures throng >> <<, treated with intramuscular testosterone esters (Sustanon 250)

every 2 weeks for 6 months)

II. Katsnelson L Finkelstein JS,

Shenfeld DA, Rosenthal D. Anderson DJ, Klibanski A. Increase in bone density

and muscle mass during testosterone in men with acquired hypogonadism

. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism lasix 150 mg 1996; 81 (12) (Type IV evidence - 18 months

longitudinal study of testosterone therapy in 29 adult men with acquired hypogonadism

(aged 22-69 years, median in '58 .) There was some fall >> << Research (n = 23 to 18 months) and the analysis was based on

other items, not intent to treat. output for 36

eugonadal men were compared with 44 age appropriate eugonadal control).

Other treatment options are selected based ...

Cats are usually affected by allergies. Allergy occurs when the immune system of cats overacts to foreign substances or particles (called allergens). This is a hyperactive immune system can lead to any of the symptoms of allergies to cats:

sneezing, coughing or wheezing

Vomiting, diarrhea, bloating or gas

Types of Cat Allergies There are four types of allergies, that affects cats. These include:

As the owner of a cat, it is important to educate yourself on the unique attributes associated with each type of allergy. If your cat has any of these allergy symptoms, contact your veterinarian to discuss treatment options to give your cat relief from allergies. Flea Flea allergy allergy is probably the most common allergic to cats. A healthy cat will experience minor irritation and itching from the bite of fleas. Cat with flea allergies, however, will have serious reactions to a fleathey often bite and break skin and even remove large areas of their own hair. There will often be open sores or small scabs present on their skin. The most common area of ​​the body affected by flea allergy rump, head and neck. Treatment of flea allergy includes strict control fleas. Fleas can be very difficult to kill, but with modern medications and flea treatment options at home, your veterinarian can help you rid your house and cat these pests. Cat food allergies are not born with food allergies. It is actually more common, they develop allergies to the drug lasix foods they ate over many years. Food allergies can occur at any age and usually develop allergies to the protein component of food. Allergy to beef, pork, chicken, turkey and are most common. Food for cats allergies can cause severe itching of the skin, gastrointestinal disorders or respiratory allergy symptoms. Food allergy testing is recommended for allergy symptoms were present for several months, if the cat is bad response to steroids, or when very young cat itching without other obvious causes of allergies. Testing includes diet Court selected and monitored by your veterinarian. During the diet trial, commercial or homemade hypoallergenic diet is only 8 to 12 weeks. During this time, your cat will eat only set the table foodno food scraps, treats, chewable vitamins or drugs can be given during the diet trial. If a positive response seen after this court, your veterinarian will tell you how to proceed. Treatment easyjust fed a diet without allergens! Airborne Allergies (Atopy) Allergy to share your cat inhales is called atopy. Common allergens include pollen of trees (cedar, ash, oak, etc.), pollen of grasses (Bermuda, etc.), pollen of weeds (ragweed, goldenrods, etc.), shape, mold and mites home Dust. Many of them occurring seasonal allergies such as ragweed pollen and grasses. Others, such as shape, mold and house dust mite is a perennial problem. When people inhale these allergens, they usually develop respiratory symptoms (hay fever). When cats inhale these allergens, they develop severe itching throughout the body. One of the most important treatments for atopy is to minimize the impact of his cat that he is allergic. For example, if the cat suffers from allergies to pollen, it should be inside with the windows closed when pollen or tall grass being mowed. Air filters also help to eliminate many allergens to keep the house clean. Other treatment options are selected depending on the severity of allergy symptoms and your cat playing his season allergies. For example, if your cat itch several weeks once or twice a year, your veterinarian may recommend shampoos and anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve his symptoms of allergies. However, if your cat itch year round, or so much that he has open wounds, your veterinarian may recommend testing skin and allergy shots (see below). Contact allergy This is the least common type of allergy and is caused by your cat comes in contact with, such as carpets, bed linen (especially wool) or detergents. If your cats are allergic to such substances will be skin irritation and itching at the points of contact (elbows, lower legs, abdomen, etc.). Treatment involves identification and elimination of allergen.incidence of emphysema Diagnosis of allergy If you suspect that your cat allergy, you should see your veterinarian. Veterinarians usually make a preliminary diagnosis and treatment plan based on this information:

Answer itching to medications (such as shampoos, antihistamines, steroids, etc.)

If initial treatment does not alleviate your cat Your veterinarian may recommend a specific testing allergies. Allergy testing is conducted or from blood or in the performance of intracutaneous skin test. Blood tests are sufficiently reliable for the detection of airborne allergies, but not so good for food or allergies. Skin test is more accurate and includes a patch to shave the hair on the side of your cat, and then injecting a small amount of allergen under the skin. A positive test is diagnosed if there is redness or soldering skin after injection. Those allergens can be mixed together in a laboratory and a very small injections per week in the house for several months to help your cat become less sensitive to them. Up to 75% of cats who get allergy shots will improve their signsbut it may take several months (one year) to see the full effect. Treatment of allergies in addition to specific therapies listed above for each type of allergy, your veterinarian may recommend the following procedure to give assistance to an allergic cat during the same itch again:

Shampoo - frequent washing removes pollen, dust and other allergens from wool to be absorbed through the skin. Your veterinarian can be therapeutic shampoo or conditioner that contains anti-inflammatory components, if your cat needs extra help. Anti-inflammatory drugs - steroids, antihistamines or cyclosporine may be installed as they dramatically block the allergic reaction in most cases. These products provide almost instant relief from skin irritation and severe itching associated with most types of allergies. Antibiotics - often itchy allergy increased bacterial or fungal skin infections. Your veterinarian may recommend the use of antibiotics or anti-yeast drugs to treat these infections. Try to minimize the impact on your cat suspected allergens. Feed your cat high quality, appropriate, so they do not have dietary deficiencies. Give the cat to provide useful anti-inflammatory properties and improve the quality of them. Use stainless steel or glass food dishes and clean them regularly. Brush your cat's hair regularly distribute natural oils and prevent mats, which can further irritate the skin itch. Application in areas where the skin is damaged or in hot spots. Use a flea preventative regularly as allergic cats are usually more sensitive than conventional cat flea or insect bites. >> << Gentle alternative to harsh chemicals. Wash cat beds with hypoallergenic detergent in very hot water. It can be miserable to watch your cat suffers from allergies. Use the

and works closely with your veterinarian will ensure your cat is comfortable. Donna Spector, DVM, DACVIM, is a renowned, certified specialist of veterinary internal medicine who practiced at the Animal Medical Center in New York and other leading institutions. She is an active member of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) and American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association. Dr. Donna wrote and lectured on topics including nutrition, diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders, kidney failure and respiratory problems. It is widely recognized for his role as a consulting veterinarian HALO, purely for pets, her television appearances on Ellen DeGeneres and her widely cited animal consultations on health issues in print and on radio. Dr. Donna performs health, nutrition and weight loss counseling for dogs and cats through its Web veterinary consulting.

Adding more fruits and vegetables, any ...

One of the best ways to keep your immune system strong and prevent colds and flu

might surprise you: store food aisle of your supermarket. Experts say a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can help prevent

infections such as colds and flu. This is lasix prescritpion because these foods contain very

immunostimulating antioxidants. What are antioxidants? These vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that

protection and recovery of cells from damage caused by free radicals. Many experts

believe that this damage plays a role in several chronic diseases, including

hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), cancer and arthritis. Free

radicals can also interfere with your immune system. Thus, fighting off injuries

antioxidants helps support a strong immune system, making you better

, to prevent colds, flu and other infections. Adding more fruits and vegetables of all kinds in your diet will improve your health

. But some foods contain more antioxidants than others. Three key vitamins

antioxidants are beta carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E. You'll find them in the

colorful fruits and vegetables - especially those purple, blue,

red, orange and yellow shades. To get the most benefit from antioxidants, eat these products

raw or lightly steam or boil perepechetsya not. Beta-carotene and other carotenoids: apricots, asparagus, beets,

broccoli, cantaloupe, carrots, corn, green peppers, cabbage, mangoes, turnip and

greens, nectarines, peaches, pink grapefruit, pumpkin, pumpkin , spinach, sweet potatoes

, tangerines, tomatoes and watermelons. Vitamin C: berries, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cantaloupe,

cauliflower, grapefruit, nectar, cabbage, kiwi, mangoes, nectarines, oranges, papayas

, red, green or yellow peppers, snow peas, sweet potatoes , strawberries, tomatoes and

. Vitamin E: Broccoli, carrots, beets, mustard, turnip,

mangoes, nuts, papaya, pumpkin, red peppers, spinach, and sunflower seeds.pathology of emphysema Vitamins are not only antioxidants in food. Other antioxidants that may help improve

immunity include Zinc: found in oysters, red meat, poultry, beans, nuts, seafood, integrated >> << grains, fortified cereals and dairy products

Selenium. Found in Brazil nuts, tuna, beef, poultry and fortified breads,

, and other grain products

Signs of emphysema is difficult to recognize ...

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Only one rule - no one can feed themselves.

A selection of articles related to prognosis and treatment of emphysema. The original article from our library-related emphysema and prognosis of treatment. See lasix heart Summary of available-for-material (resource files) on the prognosis and treatment of emphysema. Candles flicker on Beltaine bites. Food contained in the circle for a holiday. Only one rule - no one can feed themselves. Each depends on friends and family livelihood, joy and delight. After an hour of laughter and bites and ways ... >> 2. A 'Trance, "descriptive or misleading? Most of the classical notions of hypnosis have long held that hypnosis was special in some way from other types of interpersonal communication and induction (preparatory process considered by some to be ... >> Is the traditional story presented as historical events, shows outlook of the people and explain, practice, belief, or natural phenomenon. mythological beliefs culture shares gives shape their actions and choice .... >> What is religion? Religion is a set of beliefs that allow us to understand and categorize our world and our place in it. set of beliefs that define our culture, our expectations, our views of people and behavior we expect. I found some ... >>>> AS WORM BECOMES health and well-being is part of the natural inalienable human rights. With all its organs intact, proper nutrition, exercise and mental focus, the human body can overcome any disease. However, the consequences of living in this ... >> "Clouds are not spheres the mountains are not cones, coastlines are not circles and bark is not smooth, and not lightning travel in a straight line. B. Mandelbrot W e want to think about the future - it is our nature. Unlike other creatures, people with ...> ;> Emphysema prognosis and treatment are described in several sources on the Internet, in addition to articles in the editorial, see. section below for printing documents, emphysema prognosis and treatment of the book and related discussions. Much attention has been taken to prepare information for this page. elements come from the actual content and lexical knowledge base, realmagick. COM libraries and third party sources. We appreciate your comments and suggestions to further improve our site.immune system vitamins Please enable JavaScript to view.

Catabolism is the decomposition reaction

The article discusses the anatomical and physiological processes of cellular metabolism and anabolism, including what each of them and what each does, distinguishing features between the two, how enzymes control the metabolism, as the cell access energy for their activities, as metabolic processes are regulated and that the metabolic processes of carbohydrate metabolism is. Metabolism is a chemical process that is any living organism at the cellular level, in order to balance the energy. This energy balance is processing nutrients that enter the body at the cellular level, and the end result is to support life. Metabolism, indeed, is a combination of two distinct types of reactions. The first type of reaction that is metabolism catabolism. Catabolism is the decomposition reaction and, thus ekzerhonicheskih, which means that this type of reaction produces more energy than it consumes. Another term for this would be exothermic, that catabolism produces heat. Catabolic reactions to the energy stored in organic molecules and release this energy.

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Some of the important catabolic reactions that occur at the cellular lasix fluid pill level of the Krebs cycle, electron transport chain and glycolysis. Much of anabolism is the opposite of catabolism. .