Usually occurs among women who have menopause, the incidence of osteoporosis is particularly high among Indian women
What is osteoporosis? "Osteo = bone and osteoporosis means porous nature. The weakening of the bones is a gradual process that happens as we get older. In many cases, bones weaken when you have low levels of calcium and other minerals in bones. As a result, the density of minerals in bones decreases and bones become weak and break with minimal effort. Man, the diagnosis of osteoporosis. Symptoms of Osteoporosis: Osteoporosis is a very common condition, especially in older women, and there is no definitive symptoms. Some common symptoms include:
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), osteoporosis is second only to cardiovascular disease as a global health problem. About 300 million people in India have osteoporosis, and he suggested that in the next decade by nearly 50% of Indian population is. Compared with the Western world, which reported peak incidence at age 70-80 in India, the peak incidence is seen between 50-60 years. Osteoporosis is also three times more common in males in India compared to their foreign counterparts. This leads to osteoporosis have almost as common in Indian men, as in Indian women. Causes and risk factors for osteoporosis: a genetic predisposition is one of the biggest causes of osteoporosis. Low levels of vitamin D and calcium in the diet and a sedentary lifestyle increases the chances of people from developing osteoporosis as well. In women, estrogen levels play a very important role in bone health. So, for 5-10 years of menopause, women usually begin to lose bone density. Some drugs such as steroids and cause osteoporosis. These include drugs such as prednisolone, dexamethasone and cortisone, which are considered necessary for the treatment of certain diseases such as asthma and autoimmune disorders such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Diagnosis of osteoporosis: a test used to check bone density and the presence of human osteoporosis lasix 6 mg are called bone densitometry. Since no obvious symptoms, most people suffer
, before they test. However, there are some early signs that can help you determine if you may be at risk of disease. International Fund for osteoporosis developed this minute risk test for people to see if they have trouble. Take the test for yourself. Treatment and prevention of osteoporosis: It is important to minimize the risk factors that can lead to osteoporosis. Regular physical activity, healthy, calcium, sunlight and avoiding smoking ways to keep bones strong. Regular bone density test should be done after a certain age. Women around the age of menopause can think of hormonal support. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is widely studied and considered as effective and safe. Biphophonates - a new group of drugs may also be taken and is very effective. There are many myths associated with osteoporosis. Clear your doubts.
Photographer Jacques Stengel by SXC. Hu.